Harry Elektron – You Are Antenna In The Shop / Είσαι Κεραία Στο Μαγαζί

(2014, 500CD Digipack, FK009)

Είσαι Κεραία Στο Μαγαζί meaning You Are Antenna In The Shop, is an album title that comprises by some of its song titles. The original CD is chopped in 99 tracks (though the actual tunes are 12) so that if you play it in random order you will listen to a different album each time. Here we have a form of band structure, that’s why the sound is a bit industrial rock, but still lots of experiment and slow stuff are recorded.

Harry Elektron – music composing, programming and producing, keyboards, guitar, vocals
Thanasys Apostolidius – keyboards, backing vocals
Sonny Touch – electric guitars
Nolan Cook – electric guitar on His Wife Was Synthetic
George Bandoek – electric guitar on Scientist
Ra Lalita Dasi – narration on Μιση Αποδραση (Half Escape)
Dina Ya Coo Macu – vocals on Tην Αγαπη (To The Love)
Michael Vrettas – violin on Στο Μαγαζι (In The Shop)
Theo Ηit – drums on Tasmanian Angel & His Wife Was Synthetic
